


What an incredible weekend we had with kids, students, college students, and adults as we dove into what it means to be confident in Christ. Check out our recap video.

A weekend like ALL IN 4 HIM doesn’t happen in the vacuum of one ministry. The sacrifices of time and energy from college students, youth, adults, and Dawson staff are beautiful examples of the Body of Christ coming together to share the good news of Jesus with the next generation. Thank you isn’t enough to all those who helped in ALL IN 4 HIM.

My 6-year-old and I are going through one letter a week this new year. Last week was A and we were reminded that God knows everything. The jury is still out on who is going to learn more in this exercise, me or her. Thanks for this great resource

Check out this amazing resource here.

one of the greatest resources i believe for children’s ministry leaders is a book entitled “Gospel Centered Kids Ministry” by brain dembowcyzk. if you don’t own it, order it today. (last i saw it was only $7 on and pick one up for every member of your team.

several years ago, lifeway asked me to take part in a video training series they did based on this book. i must admit as i prepared, i was convicted and challenged in my own ministry. here is my video on Gospel-centered missions.

i would love to hear how you are intentionally helping your kids and families live on mission. comment and share our ideas.

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Each year I struggle with how to show my Sunday and Wednesday investors (volunteers) how much they are appreciated by the kids, the parents, and me. So for the past two years, I have started having a “thank you” wall. Here is how it works:

  • In a very visible hallway/lobby, I place envelopes on the wall with every investor, greeter, intern, name and class, etc.
  • On a table nearby, I place out cards and pens. For the whole month of November, I encourage children and parents to write a note of thanks. 
  • Some children draw a picture or write notes at home and bring them to church and place them in the envelopes on Wednesday or Sunday. 
  • I also include a thank you poem and a handwritten thank-you card from me in each envelope. 
  • The teachers are asked not to look in their envelopes while they are hanging on the wall. 🙂
  • We take them down the Sunday before thanksgiving and mail the envelopes to the teachers. Our goal is, while they are relaxing and being thankful, they will be blessed to read notes from the many who are grateful for the ways they share Jesus with the children.

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This is an example of the note card we provide for families. 

This is the poster/letter we use to get parents and children involved. This is an example of the thank you note cards we provide.

I could not be more excited to begin my fourth session of my online children’s ministry class entitled – “Children’s Ministry as Leading Spiritual Education.” Not only do we grow together as we study and evaluate our current ministries, but we also make ministry connections that last beyond the class.

Interested in the class or know of someone that might be? The course begins October 11, and below is the class description. You will need to password equip to register. Comment and let me know if you have any questions. 

This will be an examination of the role of the educator in supporting the faith development of children and families in the congregation. We’ll cover pedagogies, models of ministry, and administrational tasks. Not only will we discover how to intentionally plan and lead long-term, but we will examine best solutions to the in-the-trenches children’s ministry elements.

This course will equip you with techniques for the following:

  • Creating and Maintaining a Gospel-Centered Ministry
  • Different Models of Ministry (what’s best for your ministerial context?)
  • Partnering with Parents
  • Strategic Planning, Budgeting, Outreach, Service and Follow-Up
  • Building, Leading & Maintaining Volunteer Teams
  • Consistent & Creative Communication
  • Serving Families with Special Needs
  • The Preteen Bubble
  • Family Worship
  • Using Your Facility to set your teaching/worship up for success
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