you can find part one here.
Jesus is Rescuer Prayer Station
Read this Scripture to your group – “Come to me, all you that are weary and are carrying heavy burdens, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28
Prayer experience – Consider what burdens you are carrying around – those doubts, fears, worries, that are weighing down. (Help kids understand things they may be carrying around and allow them to share.) Instruct kids to write their burdens down on the post-it notes provided. Their prayer might be a word, a name, a symbol. Then, place those burdens inside the cross on the floor before you. As you do, focus on an image of God taking those burdens for you and carrying them for you.
Prayer Time – Instruct each child to them go place their hand on one of their sticky notes asking God to take that burden away and then place their hand on someone else’s sticky note praying and asking God to help take that person’s burden away.
Location – Gathering Room
Supplies – large cross banner, sticky notes, pens
Bracelet Supplies: U bead
Jesus is the Promise Fulfilled Prayer Station
Read this Scripture to your group – “For every one of God’s promises is “Yes” in Him. Therefore, the “Amen” is also spoken through Him by us for God’s glory.” 2 Corinthians 1:20
Prayer experience – Give each person a party blower. Go around the circle with people each thanking God for the victory Jesus has given them. Each time someone finishes praying, blow your horns.
Prayer Time – Close in prayer after your group is finished praying.
Location – On sidewalk out back door
of North building.
Supplies – party blowers
Bracelet Supplies: S bead
Jesus is to be shared Prayer Station
Prayer experience – Give each child a piece of sidewalk chalk and have them write Jesus is (and they will fill in the blank of something they learned about Jesus.) Make sure they write it big and bold.
Prayer Time – Have the kids pray over their chalk drawing that someone that needs to know about Jesus will see it and be encouraged.
Location – Sidewalks down Manhattan street and Evergreen.
Supplies – sidewalk chalk
Bracelet Supplies: n/a
Jesus is Bracelets
Children will receive a snack size baggie from you before you begin the prayer stations. They will pick up their bracelet supplies at each station. After you have completed all the stations, your group will find a spot in North building parking lot horseshoe and complete your bracelets. There will be extra beads to complete the bracelets. Kids need to wear their bracelets when finished because in closing worship they wchallengedallenge to give them to someone that needs to know about Jesus.