i am much afraid – the beloved main character of the book “hind feet on high places.” the children’s version of the book is one of the first i recommend to kids struggling with fear. that and sissy goff’s “worry-free girls“. if they are not in your kid’s ministry or parent library, add them today.
because of my struggle with fear in my life, seeing kids in ministry battle anxiety, and having a daughter of my own, i was honored when lifeway asked me to write a resource based on of wynter pitts’ devotional books for girls.
the result is “God’s brave girl“, a six week resource for ministry leaders or parents complete with a younger girl and older girl journal.
here’s the official lifeway description for the resource.

Today’s girls are often told to navigate through some tough questions by following their hearts, owning their truth, and doing what they think is best. But where do they turn when their friends betray them, when they feel angry, or when pain and sadness come. And what does God think about all you are going through?

Through this journey of God’s Brave Girl, girls will experience what it means to live a life of bravery because of who God made them to be. God wants girls to live confidently by faith, trusting God’s plan for their lives. As they open the Bible, girls will learn what living bravely means and how God has uniquely gifted, equipped, and purposed their lives according to His good plans.
Join us for a six-week Bible study for girls, For Girls Like You: God’s Brave Girl, as we discover who God is and how He leads us to live bravely and boldly for His glory.
i look so forward to using this resource with girls in my ministry and with my daughter as i strive to teach her to live a life of faith with courage and grace.
i would love to her how you would use this resource in your ministry or home. comment below and i will pick a winner on october 31 to receive a leader guide and an older and younger journal.