
kathie phillips

   to know kathie is to love her. she is action packed with passion for kids and families but knit together with such gentleness and grace. i have had the privilege of knowing her for quite some time through the kidmin conference. the event changes when her sweet presence enters. she is a magnet for people and a great example of how to network and create community.
   kathie is not only an in-the-trenches leader serving in a local church, she is a wealth of wisdom and ideas.  i am so excited about her book, “top 50, object lessons” and her blog kidminspiration.com   i can’t wait to share her heart and her answers with you!

1 – what do you see kidmin and family ministry leaders doing right? 
  I think the task of partnering with parents and pointing kids and families to Jesus has made kidmin and family ministry leaders seek out resources to help them do this more efficiently. There are an abundance of resources available now more than ever. In addition, conversations about how to do this are happening in many different arenas (particularly through social media), which inspires me.
2 – what do you see as the greatest need in kidmin and family ministry right now? 
   One of the most prevalent things I’m seeing right now is the need for support from senior leadership. So many colleagues in kidmin and family ministry are feeling isolated and unsupported from those who lead them. This is causing a ripple effect throughout ministries across the country and causing leaders to doubt their calling and, in many cases, inhibiting them from doing their job.
3 – if you could have coffee with every kidmin/fammin leader, what would you want to make sure you shared with them? 
      I would express the importance of community. Ministry leadership can sometimes be a very lonely place, so having a network of support from those also in the trenches of ministry is an invaluable gift.
4 – what word of encouragement do you have for today’s kidmin/fammin leaders? 
   I would encourage kidmin/fammin leaders to remember that no matter what obstacles you face, the One who called you is faithful (1 Thessalonians 5:24). Rely on Him, on His strength, when you feel like you have no strength of your own. Also, we work so hard week to week planting seeds of faith in the hearts of kids. We might not see fruit from those seeds, but trust that it will not return void (Isaiah 55:11). What you are doing is making a difference for eternity!
5 – why are you passionate about children’s and family ministry? 
   As an elementary-aged girl, I absolutely loved Sunday school. It was such a wonderful place to be and I remember thinking, “When I grow up, I want kids to love Sunday school as much as I did.” That desire propels me to keep pushing each and every week to encourage my volunteers to love and care for our kids and their families and to work as hard as I can to make their time with us as warm, welcoming and engaging as possible.

Kathie Phillips is currently the Director of Children’s Ministry at a church in Baltimore, Maryland. In addition, she’s a wife, mom of two young adults, conference speaker, ministry coach, published author and blogger. Check out her blog at www.kidminspiration.com.
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