
ministry ideas


sometimes (most of the time with me) the people you get the privilege to serve alongside simply make you better because they are smarter, more creative, and bring fresh idea to the table. this is the case for our new “next level ideas” tab on the dWELL blog.

my amazing admin (and also 3rd grade sunday life group teacher) looked around at the creative gifts God has given screen-shot-2016-09-15-at-1-09-22-pmthose who serve in and around dawson kids and thought “let’s collect these ideas to share with our other investors.” then we decided to take it to the next level again and post those ideas here, on my blog, so anyone working in kidmin can be inspired or helped.

so feel free to look around at the ideas and use them to point more children to Jesus. comment on what you like or maybe on what else you would like to see. those of us trying to reach kids for Christ are on the same team. why not share an resource or ideas we have?

click here to to check out dawson kids next level ideas page.

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