comment on this post for a chance to win a free copy of “the storm inside.” the book releases tuesday, february 11. i’ll draw a winner from my blog on the same day.
if ministry leaders are honest, i believe we would admit that we are some of the best at pretending the storms of life don’t wreak havoc on our hearts and minds. through ministry expectations and packed serving schedules we can become quite skilled at stuffing the storms in our lives without addressing their real sources. or maybe it is just me? either way, i am so grateful for the opportunity to preview shelia walsh’s new book the storm inside.
i was immediately captivated by the introduction of the storm inside. sheila shares about a “beautiful exchange” that took place during a speaking event to women in ministry. after sharing about how she had been guilty of hiding her darkest feelings behind the veil of ministry, she invited the ministry leaders to write down on a card a burden they no longer wanted to carry. through what happened that day and her experience of speaking to women all over the globe, she has brought these burdens under the banner of the following ten feelings. maybe one, two, or many of the words below represent burdens you also carry.
heartache, disappointment, fear, bitterness, unforgiveness, anger, regret, abandonment, shame, insecurity
with each chapter of the storm inside, shelia, through the truth of scripture, takes us on an honest, self-examining journey of these ten feelings. she is transparent about her own struggles, grounds her words on scripture, and provides you with personal actions steps at the end of each chapter. i highly recommend this book to any woman and i would love to hear how God speaks to you through these pages.
here are just a couple of my take away quotes from the storm inside. (i had a hard time choosing just five, so you will have to read the book to hear all the other amazing truths.)
- “The greatest defense against the storm of lies that the enemy would use to drain every moment of joy from your life is to surround yourself with the truth of God’s Word.” – Sheila Walsh “The Storm Inside”
- “We must replace the lies we have believed for the truth of who God says we are.” – Sheila Walsh “The Storm Inside”
- “When we drag the weight of unforgiveness to the cross and, by the grace and mercy of God, leave it there, then the enemy is at a loss.” – Sheila Walsh “The Storm Inside”
- “Our own ‘Esther moments’ will come, when the Lord will ask us to step out of what seems to be a place of insignificance and instead stand with courage for the King and His Kingdom.” – Sheila Walsh “The Storm Inside”
- “A woman of faith holds fast to the truth, even when nothing seems to make sense to her, knowing there her faith stands (and rests) on the finished work of Christ.” – Sheila Walsh “The Storm Inside”