at the end of this month, i will mark my 21st 24 hours 4 Him. i created this event my first year in ministry as a chance for kids to spend a weekend growing in God’s Word and closer to one another. i have blogged about 24 hours for Him several times but i still get questions from others wanting to try this event. so here are some answers to my most asked questions.
what is your schedule like?
over 21 years the schedule has changed many times and i believe we finally have it in a place to make the most of each moment we have the kids and leaders together. you can check out a schedule from the last couple of years here.
is this a lock-in?
to that question, i say no. i define a lock-in as an event where kids are pushed to stay awake the whole time and leave like zombies. at 24 hours 4 Him we sleep. think about it. we have to spend the whole next day with them, so we want them to have some sleep. 🙂
where do you get your curriculum?
over the past two decades of this event, we have used curriculum from the following places:
– hillsong big kids
– children desiring God
– zip for kids
– northpoint superheroes
who are your leaders?
we have a great mix of parent, college students and life group investors that serve as Bible study leaders for the weekend. we also allow youth to apply to be assistants for the weekend and they are such a great asset.
we have booked some amazing worship leaders like the lads, yancy, jonathan and emily martin – the Word in worship, and we have also recruited local talent to lead us in worship. our worship speakers have included past camp pastors, local seminary students, other church staff, my associate or even me.
can kids go and come during the weekend?
this is the hardest topic of the weekend. in the early years of 24 hours 4 Him kids were allowed to come and go, but it became a distraction and a security issue. after many conversations and prayer, we have decided that kids need to make the choice to be present for the whole 24 hours. this is a great time for conversation as a can read more on my thoughts about that here.
how do you fill all the time?
the schedule is pretty detailed for our events, but saturday can get long real quick. we have done service projects as a rotation, but last year we found our groove with prayer stations. these stations provided leaders and kids some more quality time praying, discussing, and applying the theme. i will share those stations in a future blog.
any other questions?
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