Some moments you dream about your whole life, and recently I experienced one of mine.

As I was reading “The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe” to my daughter, we came to the chapter where the white witch kills Aslan on the stone table. Tears streamed down my cheeks. My sweet baby girl wiped them with her tiny fingers and said, “it’s okay, mommy.”

After the chapter was done and Aslan was dead, my tears fell even more freely. At first, my daughter said, “well, that is an inappropriate story for a kid.” Then she quietly thought and replied, “wait, mommy is this an example of Jesus dying on the cross for our sins?” I nodded and smiled and then reminded her He would live again.

She snuggled me and said, “I need huggies.” Then I prayed aloud with her wrapped in my arms. I thanked God for the gift of Jesus and prayed that one day she would clearly see her need for Him as a Savior.

It was a holy, unforgettable moment on the couch in my living room, strewn with toys and folded laundry waiting to be put away. I wouldn’t have had it any other way.

Thank you, C.S. Lewis, and THANK YOU LORD!!!

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  1. Joyce Alexander Reply

    Thanks for sharing Danielle. I love you and how you are teaching your precious little girl the truths of the Gospel. You are intentional and you are always present and available to answer her questions. I shed tears with you reading this today.

  2. Martha Tabor Reply

    Such a sweet remembrance for you and for your sweet girl! Love you!!

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