God writes the best stories. Not the easiest and not the most predictable, but like He authors our salvation, He is faithful with the script of our journeys.

In ways only the Lord works and with circumstances that only he could orchestrate (I’d love to share with you sometime.), we are in a season of change and one of full circle. In this next chapter, I will return as a minister of children at Belle Aire Baptist Church, where I was called to ministry and served for 15 years as their first Minister to Children. Middle Tennessee is home for me and a place full of people I dearly love and stayed closely connected to over the last 10 1/2 years.

Even though I’m returning somewhere I love deeply, that doesn’t mean the goodbyes are easy. Saying goodbye to the people of Dawson has been and will be brutal at best. An interstate exit I once only knew as the halfway point to the beach contains a town and a church full of people that will always be dear to my heart. Dawson received me with all my quirks and ways and loved me well. You precious people wrapped me with love and encouragement during the most exciting (and scary) season of my life when I became a mom through adoption. And those of you who have prayed for, poured into my daughter, and given me advice and support, are treasurers straight from the heart of the Lord.

I’ve had the absolute privilege to serve alongside the most amazing kids ministry investor team, who have taught me what sacrificial service is and have wowed me weekly with their willingness to go to the second mile to share the gospel with their kids on Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights. The precious families and kids I have had the joy to know and serve over the years, I still consider mine and love following the stories God is writing for you. So much to ponder as I remember many kidmin events like KidLife (high five guys, you know you are my favorite) and camps, staff adventures and laughs, lunch table topics at various elementary schools, and a church body faithful in their love for Christ.

My daughter was also raised through an amazing preschool program with leaders and teachers who loved her so well and pointed her to Christ. Only Heaven knows your investment, but this mom is oh so grateful.

While I may be changing location and returning home, the town of Homewood and the church on the corner will forever be a part of me, and the deep relationships I made here are not over; they will remain forever. Dawson family, thank you for trusting the girl from Tennessee, loving my daughter and me, and making me a better follower of Christ. I hope you will stay in touch because I promise I will often think of your faces and our memories. Before I turn the page in my story, I want you to know how grateful I am for you, how I will miss you, and how much I love you.

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  1. deborahagw Reply

    Danielle, So excited for your next chapter! God bless you & Merry Christmas!!!

  2. Nancy Smithson Reply

    We will miss you so much. We appreciate your enthusiasm and creativity. Your love of our children is evident in the preparations for Kids Life.

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