introducing. discipling. digging deeper.
introducing, discipling, and challenging families to dig deeper into God’s Word are the aspects that make up our “confident in Christ” discipleship strategy at dawson kids. several times a year we offer the following classes to 1st-5th graders on sunday evenings. i have the privilege of teaching these classes, but i believe the element that truly takes these classes beyond the church walls and into the fabric of each child’s faith is the intentional part their parents play in each study.
Gospel class (introducing)- this interactive class is designed for kids that are asking questions and seeking to follow Jesus as their Lord and Savior. this is a two week class for parents and children to attend together. using the Gospel project’s “God’s plan for me”, we explore each of the five Christ-centered, clearly stated Gospel points this resource provides. after introducing each truth, we creatively experience them in concrete ways to build a bridge to these glorious abstract concepts.
then parents and children work through a series of questions together (in class) about each truth. this sweet time provides an open, honest dialogue between parent and child. parents not only personalize these truths with parts of their own spiritual journey, but they also get a glimpse of where their child is in his/her spiritual journey. when the teaching and activities are over and the parent/child conversations begin, i sit back and take in the precious sight of parents being the primary faith trainers for their children. it is by far my favorite part of this class! each family also receives their own copy of “the Gospel God’s plan for me” booklet to read, study the scriptures, and continue the discussion at home.
“i’m a Christian now” class (discipling)- this five week class (four weeks of workbook material) is designed for kids that have made a profession of faith. (we strongly encourage parents to have their child complete this class before baptism.) parents are asked to attend the first class (many stay for all five) and also complete the daily homework each week with their child. during class we don’t just review the facts in the homework, we experience these life-changing truths through hands-on activities and discover how they apply to our daily lives. we fall off tables for faith. each child literally gets their hands dirty when learning about sin and forgiveness. we march around the room to visualize repentance. there is a tour of the church and baptism areas. we also participate in prayer using the a.c.t.s. model, kids write out their testimonies, and much more.
digging deeper into God’ Word c.l.a.p. (digging deeper)- i love devotional books for kids, but i am also passionate about kids learning to read, study and apply God’s word for themselves. i have had the pleasure of attending several of anne graham lotz’s Bible studies and have loved her sessions on how to study God’s Word. as i began to practice her “3-question method” in my own quiet time, i was burdened to introduce it to the younger generations. i decided to teach this method to my senior high girl’s small group. they renamed the method c.l.a.p. (content, lesson, application, and prayer) and committed to giving it a try. we walked verse-by-verse through ephesians and hosea and i have never experienced such authentic share times. lessons that could not be taught through workbook studies were coming to life as we simply sought God’s Word and what He had to say to us individually and as a group. i know i am a children’s minister, but those sunday nights with that small group of youth girls and God’s Word are some of my favorite ministry memories. after teaching them, i knew i had to challenge the younger kids to begin to study God’s Word on their own. we first incorporated c.l.a.p. in a children’s fall retreat, but it has since become a class i offer to parents and kids. families come together for two weeks and learn this method and then practice at home. i wish you could have been in my last session of this class. i had several “chill bump moments” as i listened to families share what God said to them through a specific passage and how they were applying it to their families and individual lives. glory!