in my years in ministry i have never been a part of a 1st grade Bible sunday.  today was my first. 🙂  i was so excited to continue in this important tradition of giving 1st graders their very own copy of God’s Word and challenging them to seek it out for His life-changing truths!  little did i know what joy it would bring me to hand out Bibles and watch those sweet little hands grip them with pride.  i thought to myself, do i hold as tightly to God’s Word each day?  am i as thrilled to pick up my very own BIble (of which i have many translations) as these children were to receive their first copy?  their fresh eyes and eager hearts were a sweet sight to my soul today.  so, i thought i would share some pictures of some of my favorite parts of the morning.

dr. fenton had the 1st graders hold their Bibles high as he shared with them that there is no other book like the one they are holding.
at our family celebration lunch, two middle schoolers (one boy and one girl) shared testimonies about how their first grade Bible helped God’s word become a part of their daily lives. they were amazing.
families spent time sharing and laughing using group publishing’s gabbit.
families prayed over and for their 1st grader!
of course we had pictures made with the pastor. look how proud this 1st grader is of his new Bible.
1st graders left with goody bags that included a gabbit, a seeds family worship cd (this includes songs made up of only scripture), and a special bookmark that has all the favorite scriptures of the ministers at dawson and their 1st grade teachers.
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  1. Pingback: simple gift of God’s Word | dWELL

  2. Again, a beautiful idea! A practical and special way to share the gift of God’s Word!

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