This year we wanted to continue focusing on families by providing an experience they wouldn’t soon forget. So we found this fantastic, inexpensive Easter escape room guide and purchased the download. We gave this project to one of our interns and set her free. She soared.

We had initially just scheduled five escape rooms for two nights, beginning with one every 10 minutes. When our sign-up genius filled up almost immediately, we knew we needed to add more time slots. We then added a third night and a sixth room. We ultimately had over 50 families participate. Here are just some of the things they said:

The Empty Tomb Breakout was a great family event…double bonus that it was an evening centered around Jesus!

Thank you for putting together the empty tomb escape room. What a blast and such a great way to start Easter week. I know that even when you love it, ministry is exhausting. So I just wanted to say you are making a difference in the life of my kids! Thank you.

This was awesomely special. What a memory we will never forget. Thank you so much to everyone that made this happen. It was legit.

Check out our recap video made by our amazing administrative assistant below. You really get a feel for the night.

I would love to hear what special events you did for Easter week. Share in comments.

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