As a children’s ministry leader, I have learned that parents need real-time support/resources for talking to their kids about world events. That is why this morning, as I was mourning and praying over the events in Ukraine, my next thought was how we could equip our parents to discuss this strategy and pray with their kids.

I am not a counselor, Biblical scholar, or a military genius, but I knew our team could provide five tips for parents during this time. Then we could provide them with additional resources to use as they interceded on behalf of all those affected by the bombing of Ukraine. Below is what we shared on social media.

I have also found some other resources that I thought would be helpful to share. Check them out below.

OneHope has a “6 Ways You Can Pray for Ukraine” Guide you can download here.

The International Network of Children’s Ministry has provided some great family discussion questions on their social media page. I am going to share a couple but to get the rest, check them out here.

Family Discipleship Podcast also put out some great prayer prompts on their Instagram page here.

Have you seen any great family resources out there? Share them in the comments, I would love to add them to this post.

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1 Comment

  1. Dema Kohen Reply

    This is a great collection, Danielle. Thank you for putting it together and resourcing parents to help the guide their children through these difficult times.

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