let’s be honest, God could lead ministries much better than we could and without any of the mistakes, but in His perfect wisdom He chooses to use us. can we just pause and meditate on the fact that the Creator of the universe allows us the great pleasure of servicing Him? what a joy.

one of the many treasures of serving in ministry is the community of other ministry leaders we get to be a part of on the journey. i believe as a community we are stronger. when we unite together with the common cause of Christ, we can do more. when we see that our similarity of believing in Jesus as Lord and Savior is greater than the different opinions we may hold about the nonessentials, we can work together to make much of Him.

because i love to get to know and hear stories of so many who work/volunteer in children’s ministry, i wanted to create a group on facebook where we can share ideas and encouragement with one another – a place where we keep the main thing the main thing, but offer up suggestions to those we are shoulder to shoulder with in the trenches of ministry.

so if you serve in children’s ministry, i would like to invite you to join the “children’s ministry ideas & encouragement” facebook group and invite your other children’s ministry friends as well. simply click on the link below to join the group. i hope to see you there.





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