
for over a year i have had the privilege of talking to children’s ministry leaders from around the country that form our inside track team. so many i have never met in person, but felt like i had known forever. many i had met, but began to get to know on a deeper level through social media. we were this unique, scattered family that held Jesus and KidMin in common. then, the first ever Group KidMin conference happened.

as we began to gather in chicago, hug each other’s necks, and meet face to face; the inside track team took on a whole new form. no longer did our relationships consist of statuses, family pictures, tiny avatars, or tweets. surface conversations turned to deep, heartfelt talks. conference suggestions were found in concrete elements throughout KidMin. and what was once individuals serving separately across the country became a group passionately serving KidMin11. it was as if the inside track family was finally all home together for a KidMin holiday.

as i come to grips with the fact that we are a year away from KidMin 2012, i know for sure that the sweet friendships formed through the inside track team will only grow richer. i also look forward to the many other friends that will be added to this group and all the gifts, ideas, and encouragement they bring. countdown to KidMin 2012 begins now!


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  1. Travis Albers Reply

    Looking forward to KidMin 2012 already. Signed up to be a part of Inside Track Team and look forward to blessing others like I have been blessed by that team this year:)

  2. Kathleen Shrader Reply

    It was the best Children’s Conference I have been to. IT was an amazing group. So blessed by you all. Danielle-thanks for everything.

    Ps 86:2

    • Kelli Espiritu Reply

      Looking forward to kidnapping ya next year..hee hee hee. Been to many conferences in my, ah hem, years in ministry…this one was filled with GENUINE people with transparency that blew me away. Thanks again for all you do. Two words for you SPA DAY

      Serving the King together,

  3. IT just added to the rich experience of KidMin! It was fantastic to meet all of you!

  4. It was awesome to meet you in person. Next time you’ll have to tell me where the cool caches are in Chicago 🙂

  5. Danielle!
    I’ve already said it… YOU’RE THE BEST SOCIAL NETWORKER I’ve run across in… well, like ever! Thanks again!

    The renewed//new friendships and fabulously resourceful conversations with the KidMin IT family will leave an impact on my ministry influence for years to come because I connect and partner with hundreds of Churches in my area.

    KidMin has multiplied it’s impact!

    I’m looking forward to KidMin 2012.

  6. Danielle…thanks for all the wonderful time you spent with us at the conference during our connect time. It was so terrific to sit and listen to everyone talk about Tween ministry and hear all the super ideas they had. Thanks again and see you next year.

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