why does your children’s ministry exist? if everyone on your team isn’t sure, it’s time for a Gospel-centered direction. in this post, we will look at ministry’s unique strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, in making Jesus the center of all you do. we will dream and develop a unique signature for your ministry and help you strategically brand, filter, and cast vision for your ministry. great for your entire team!

  • when people look to your ministry, do they only see Jesus?

  • what stands in the way of them seeing and experiencing the only thing that matters?

1 – corinthians 10:31 “so whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God.”

planning and preparation

  • where have you seen God at work most in your kid’s ministry this past year?

  • where are your kid’s ministry strengths?

  • where are your kid’s ministry weaknesses?

  • what burden has God laid on your heart for your ministry this year?

rules of change

  •  you never keep something just because “it has always been done this way.”

  • you never change something just for the sake of change.

  • change takes time!


  • your ministry signature

  • sample statement

  • t-shirt test

  • two words

counting the cost

what changes do you need to make in your ministry schedule to make sure you are supporting the ministry signature?

filter activity

  • who do you need on your team?

  • who’s on your team that may need to be convinced of new vision and direction?

promoting and planning

  • people should see your signature everywhere.

  • staff should know your signature.

  • kids and families should know your signature.

intent & accountability with signature 

  • let parents know how the program/event/change supports your signature.

  • have your investors/ leadership team hold you accountable to the signature.

  • After events/programs evaluate if your event met the signature.
 (Do we need to do this event/program again?
 What needs to change about this event/program?
 What needs to never change about this event/program?)

you can download workshop handouts here.

you are welcome to use these ideas in your local church setting, i just ask you do not teach my content at other conferences.
dWELL copyright © danielle bell and dWELL, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to danielle bell and dWELL with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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