2019 will bring a new, challenging, and exciting role to my ministry plate – that of online instructor for a children’s ministry certification program through beadisciple.com. how exciting that i get to create a six week online class on one of my favorite subjects?

one of my great joys comes from getting to know other ministry leaders and talking through practical strategies that will impact kids and families for eternity. to think that i get to do this alongside some amazing other women, is just surreal.

i know there is some incredible training out there and i am so blessed to be a part of some of the premier kidmin conferences. this online certification is yet another effective approach to go a bit deeper in four classes all offered online. pretty exciting right?

the program kicks off in january 2019 and my class will run in the fall. to hear about new dates for individual courses in the certification (this one is IFDC140) click here.  you can fill out to ‘declare their intent’ to complete the certification here and they’ll email anyone who signs up on that form more information about the courses once they get going.

i have just completed my course description, so i thought i would share it below.

CHILDREN’S MINISTRY AS LEADING SPIRITUAL EDUCATIONAn examination of the role of the educator in supporting the faith development of children and families in the congregation including pedagogies, models of ministry, and administrational tasks. Not only will we discover how to intentionally plan and lead long term, but we will examine best solutions to the in-the-trenches children’s ministry elements.

This course will equip you with techniques for the following:

  • Creating and Maintaining a Gospel-Centered Ministry
  • Different Models of Ministry (what’s best for your ministerial context?)
  • Partnering with Parents
  • Strategic Planning, Budgeting, Outreach, Service and Follow-Up
  • Building, Leading & Maintaining Volunteer Teams
  • Consistent & Creative Communication
  • Serving Families with Special Needs
  • The Preteen Bubble
  • Family Worship
  • Using Your Facility to set your teaching/worship up for success.
if you have any questions, feel free to comment on this post and i will get back to you with answers.
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