at first glance it may not make much sense to put pictures of my new office in my blog entitled “clean slate.”  well, in my head it makes perfect sense.  you see, i am highly visual and i am a slow learner. so i knew if i was going to make the most of this new ministry adventure God has given me, i would have to give myself a daily 3

i believe a fresh start in ministry is a precious gift and i want to come face to face with this truth each day.  so, the extremist in me went from bright blue, glitter covered walls with a red velvet couch to an office that is, well, white.  i simply couldn’t conceive a better palette to scream clean start to myself each day.

here are just some of the things i hope and pray these surroundings remind me of each day:

– have no agenda other than God’s agenda
– this new ministry is not the 2.0 version of the last ministry
– dream fresh, God-sized dreams
– my way is not always the best way, try something new
– learn and grow from past failures and conflicts, but don’t let them mar the new ministry
– it takes time to fill a blank canvas – be patient and purposed with each stroke 

photo 2the other important piece to my new office was one of the scriptures God used in calling me to dawson.   (pictured left)  ephesians 3:20-21, “now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to His power that is at work within us, to Him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations, for ever and ever! amen.”  i believe it is when i get out of the way and abandon myself to His vision and dreams, i can experience the Creator’s abundantly more!

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  1. What a wonderful thought for all of us because everyday is a clean slate since God says his mercies are new every morning. May we both keep our communication line with God unhindered so we can step aside and move as God directs!

  2. Vicky Roeger Reply

    God has given you a wonderful gift to see things so clearly and I appreciate you sharing it because it helps me also.

  3. I was about to take off and do something else and read this. I have had a ministry for 5 years and it is changing. We have claimed the Ephesians 3:20 verse for our prayer team and ministry. I am a slow learner as well, but, have learned so much “through it all”. Let go of past failures, dream fresh God-size dreams and have no agenda, but, Gods.

    God Bless you for my “first blessing of the day”.

    Paula Talley
    Reclaiming Royalty Ministries

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