the biggest need i didn’t even realize i have in KidMin is true community and caring from others that serve Jesus weekly with children.  i am not talking about the form of networking where we may exchange emails and ideas, but never walk a piece of the ministry road together in the future.  i need more than that.  i so long to surround myself with more people who are actively in the trenches and can relate to all the joys, stress, burdens, and challenges of those that long to see children and families embrace Jesus.

this need, that i  refused to admit i had earlier this year,  is one i look to be addressed at the new KidMin Conference in Chicago, October 7-11, 2011.  through heart-to-heart conversations and connect groups, KidMin promises to be more of a conversation than a conference.  through these connect groups and authentic conversations i plan to build a better KidMin community around myself.  i look forward to leaving with more than a bunch of new “contacts”, but a true group of kidmin peers from this unconventional conference.

what kidmin need would you like to see met at KidMin 2011?

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  1. What a heartfelt blog post. I, too, feel that I need to build more relationships with fellow children’s ministry leaders. While emailing them is nice, I yearn to meet them face-to-face and really build friendships. I haven’t heard much about the KidMin Conference, but I feel as though it might be a great way for me to meet fellow leaders and learn from their trials and tribulations. Thanks for bringing this conference to my attention!

    • dandi Reply

      thanks so much cathy. i would love to talk to you more about this conference. praying for God to do amazing things through it!

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