
in ministry, i desire direction, desperately need a filter, and highly respect evaluation. that is why one of my first projects at my new church home was to work with a team to develop a ministry signature before we simply continued on or began charting a new course.

i have the great pleasure of working with a group of parent champions that pray and dream God-sized dreams for dawson kids. we have also worked through a uniques process to come up with our ministry signature. at first, i didn’t think they were enjoying themselves. the room was silent and their faces were serious. when i reminded them that they could smile during this activity, their response assured me they understood they were about serious business. hearing their hearts and looking on their intense faces so endeared each one of them to me. they wanted God’s best for their children and the children dawson kids gets the privilege of ministering to each week.


our signature is dawson kids – confident in Christ. this simple, yet power statement now becomes the vehicle in which we will direct the ministry. what programs, curriculums, conversations, ideas, and strategies need to be put in place to ensure we are a ministry where children become confident followers of Jesus Christ? how can we help them understand their salvation in a perfect Savior and stand confident in Him alone?


next, this phrase acts as a filter. (i love that, because i have a hard time saying no.) as new ideas are brought to the table and old traditions are examined, confident in Christ becomes the filter for a yes or no. we can’t just do things just to say we do them or because it has always been done. we also can’t add something just try something new. we want to be purposed. if an event is not an agent to help children become confident in Christ, we either tweak, change, or cut it.


lastly, confident in Christ becomes our standard for evaluation. when children are in our ministry are they understanding the Gospel as the only way to live confident in Jesus? are tools being provided for children and families to walk daily as confident followers of Christ? when the world’s foundation begins to shake and peers insist on a more worldly approach, have we armed these children to stand firm in the One who was, who is, and is to come?

no, confident in Christ is not just a t-shirt slogan or a ministry byline. we strive for it to be the very core of what dawson kids is about. we want to lead children to a confident relationship in Jesus, help them walk boldly in His Truths, teach them to share the Gospel with a dying world, and see them stand firm in the One in whom they have placed their trust.


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