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whether you are a ministry veteran or have just starting in ministry, this book is a must-have for your library. for a chance to win a free copy, comment after the post with a scripture or words of wisdom that have helped you through times in ministry when you were ready to quit.

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let’s just all be honest, if you have been in ministry at least a year there have been those times you have uttered aloud or silently to yourself, i quit.” the reasons for being done in ministry can be as varied as our personalities, but the truth is the enemy doesn’t want us in the game, especially if our ministries are effective. i will confess i have said these words many times and even joke that the kids never cause me to say them, but an adult or two might. 😉 this is just one reason i couldn’t wait to get my hands on this book.

another reason i was thrilled to get a copy of “don’t quit” is because i so admire the ministry and heart of gina mcclain. there is rarely a conversation i have left with her that i wasn’t awed by her leadership skills, her passion to push to the next level, and her ability to make me think much harder and longer than i would require myself to do. gina is a rare gem of incredible competency, but totally transparency in a ministry world that often just wants you to see successes instead of the true grit it takes to stay the course. i also love how honest jessica is as she shares failures from her in-the-trenches time in ministry. so if you are not perfect and want to be encouraged not to quit, get your hands on this book.

thirdly, i am all about practical. sure i love an inspiring resource to encourage and challenge me, but when the ministry rubber meets the road i need sensible options and ideas that have been found to work in a ministry setting. jessica and gina do a great job not only giving you the “what” of not quitting, but they give you the “how” as well. almost every chapter offers hands-on practices to allow you to put in place vital check-points and evaluations.

gina’s “know your influencers” graph had me literally picturing the faces of my investors and who fits where. jessica’s PROVE process will definitely be something that sees its way into ministry decisions and discussions. but the first piece of wisdom i will put into practice are the three questions gina shares that i will ask my supervisor in our next touch base.

  1.  what are two critical outcomes you want to see from my ministry?
  2.  what’s your expectation for when these outcomes will be met?
  3. what are the non-negotiables in our ministry in terms of programming, environments, and strategy?

there are some books i read and then place on a shelf and never refer to again. this is not one of these books. i see don’t quit” not only bringing truth to my attention, but its practices entering team meetings for years to come. that’s the key, isn’t it? not quitting and being here, for many more years.

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don’t forget to comment below for your chance to win a free copy of don’t quit. share a scripture of words of wisdom that help you stay in ministry in the difficult seasons.


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  1. Kate Radford Reply

    Would love to read this book! So many times I’ve questioned my calling due to circumstances. Looking forward to reading this book whether I win it or purchase it!

    • Kate Radford Reply

      My go to verse is Ephesians 3:20! God can do INFINITELY more than I can imagine!

  2. Sabrina Williams Reply

    Would love to read her encouraging words. So many times in ministry you are questioning is it worth it…knowing that it is.

    • Friend, I know that struggle. Is it worth all the challenges we face? You’re right. It is. But the encouragement along the way from our fellow kidmin community gives us the boost we need to stay in the game. Hang in there, sis.

  3. I love these verses: “I cried out, “I am slipping!” but your unfailing love, O Lord, supported me. When doubts filled my mind, your comfort gave me renewed hope and cheer.” ‭‭Psalms‬ ‭94:18-19‬

  4. Understanding rhythms and seasons of ministry has been instrumental for me. Each August-September a cloud of discouragement hovers over my head stealing my joy and convincing me that no one cares about children’s ministry as I do. Of course, it’s recruitment season and the need for volunteers is what keeps me up at night. When they don’t appear as fast as I need them to, it’s very tempting to feel defeated and lose heart. That’s when it helps to remind myself that it’s just a season. That I felt the same way a year ago this time, two years ago, three years ago and so on… but at the end it all worked out. So hang in there, this season will pass and you’ll see the sun shine again.

    • And one of the best things I heard just recently at Kidmin was do the best with what you have and give the rest to God!

      • Amen. It’s a great perspective. Give your best and then some. It’s what happens after you give your best that makes the difference. (totally stole that from Craig Groeschel) God does so much when we give all we have and let him make up the difference.

  5. Kristin sanders Reply

    Every year as I lead volunteer trainings, I have volunteers facing burn out. It’s so critical for us to combat this with Gods truth. I’m excited to check out this new book!

  6. Lori Bowden Reply

    Learning to trust the tasks of the ministry to His church …increases the faith of His church and me. I learn this lesson week in and week out and never fail to be amazed at the ability and willingness of others to serve.

  7. sounds like a great book. part of my morning devotional was from Philippians 4:11…I can do everything through him who gives me strength…..I would love the book to share with our children’s ministry. have a blessed day everyone!

  8. This is on my must read list. My go-to verse is Philippians 4:13

  9. Cannot wait to read it,not just for me, but to share with those who might’ve thinkinh about quitting.

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