summer in children’s ministry is inevitably an event driven time for me. i can literally hear my brain switch gears at the conclusion of one event in preparation for the next. for example, on the way home from my first camp of the summer, my mind is flooded with to-do’s, ideas, and excitement for vbs that is right around the corner. those that work with me know it, because emails, phone calls, and dream sessions all become a reality once i have completed the proceeding event. although i am a self-described multi-tasker, my heart is a bit simple in its effort to pour passion into one event at a time. but after last week at my 6th grade servant camp, something is different. oh i have plenty in front of me: promotion, 6th grade transition and goodbyes, etc., but my heart seems settled and longs to marinate in the Glory of God we experienced last week. instead of rushing ahead to the next “thing”, i can’t shake the awe of the God that was and is in our midst.
last week we took 33 6th graders and 14 adults to the 100+ temperatures of memphis to serve from the time they woke up until the time they went to bed. one of the goals of the trip was to stretch them completely out of their comfort zones so that they could experience what God alone could do in and through them. (funny when you plan that for your children, it has a way of stretching you as well.) we said all week, “it’s not about me” and for one of the first times i can honestly say that the majority (if not all) of the group so removed themselves, their desires, their comfort, and their plans for the week that God was able to show up in mighty ways. we remained in His presence. we were broken for our sins and wandering. we were pushed to the end of ourselves and we saw His Glory. the camp was quite organic, but our God was Almighty and changed hearts and lives forever.
my heart longs to dwell there. while much planning went into last week, i ache for the simplicity of when i simply got out of the way and God showed up, took over, and met us each so personally. so as i return to the office this week, i am praying that i never “switch gears” and move on to what is next. may the God who challenged me and exceeded my expectations last week be allowed to infiltrate every ounce of my planning and ministry. i’m weary of my ways and choose today to cling to the Vine and dwell in His glory!
“I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
John 15:5
I have never seen the true works of Christ until this week in memphis ..i saw it in the humble eyes in those which we were given the gift to serve..but they gave to the kids which you cannot read in books ..Christ was.present in those precious moments that looked the children in the eye and owned nothing and said God bless….amazing grace…i pray they continue the journey that you began thx
love this chuck!!!
Love it when God undeniably fills a place