what a joy it was to spend some quality time discovering, sharing, and discussing what it means to have a Gospel-centered kids ministry. i am attaching some notes and other items that those that attended (or even didn’t attend) might find helpful.

why Gospel-centered?

  • not something we add to what we are already doing
  • it is the reason we do anything
  • the Gospel is the why

Gospel-centered filter

  • what is your mission statement?
  • start with the end in mind. (what kind of child would you like to see leave your ministry?)
  • the filter gives you the freedom to say yes/no to activities and programs.

rules of change

  • don’t change something just for the sake of change.
  • don’t keep something just because it has always been done.
  • where do you need Gospel-centered change in your ministry?

communicating Gospel-centered

  • preach the Gospel to yourself daily
  • inform staff of the Gospel-centered why of all that you are doing.
  • make sure your investors/volunteers are constantly reminded the Gospel is the goal.
  • are you consistently sharing with parents how everything you are doing in centered around the Gospel?
  • social media / emails – make sure to include the Gospel connection in all your posts and emails.
  • make it a priority to always share the way of your event/program.


you can find the blog posts outlining my two week Gospel class here.

Gospel-centered questions for tabletop box download – Gospel questions
here is the download for the table challenge game we played at the end. – table challenge
here is the link to the bridge video we used – the bridge
here is the link to the scripture video that played during the table challenge. – Gospel scriptures

my blog and link about free Gospel-centered training – lifeway Gospel-centered training

[learn_more caption=”let me hear from you” state=”open”] i would love to hear how God is transforming your ministry. be sure to comment below and let me know![/learn_more]

[box type=”warning”] dWELL copyright © danielle bell and dWELL, 2014. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to danielle bell and dWELL with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.[/box]

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