i feel in love with Jesus through his word and i truly believe as hebrews 4:12 states that God’s Word is “alive and active” and it changes lives. and as a kidmin leader, i want kids to not only know His word, but apply it to their lives. that’s why i am so excited that we discovered the honeyword Bible and devotional.

it has been fun for me to work with these folks recently and get to learn more about their method. they even said i can give away a Bible and a devotional on my blog. (instructions for that are at the bottom of this post.)

the honeyword appraoch takes scripture and ties it to a “clicker” – something that kids see or think about. this allows a bridge to be built from abstract concepts to the concrete truths that kids can grasp and apply to their lives. i love that they rhyme, because let’s be honest us adults could also use some memorization help.

each book of the Bible features an animal with a sound-alike-Bible book name. this animal might be like the person who wrote this book of the Bible or it may be like the person the book is written about. just another fun way to help kids remember the book and the message it contains.

i couldn’t wait for an opportunity to put these unique Bibles into the hands of our families. so, we gave away honeyword Bibles to each family at a vine family worship night last year. these families have loved them and have come back for more to give to unchurched families that are seeking truth. you have to love when you are asked for another copy of God’s Word to pass along to someone that might not know Jesus.

not only did we give away Bibles, we gave the devotional book to every family on first grade Bible sunday. we believe parents want to lead their family in Biblical devotions, they just need the tools to help guide them. that’s why this devotional book was such a neat gift to help them succeed in leading their kids in Bible-based leaning that lasts.

but who doesn’t like free stuff right? be sure to check out the honeyword app. i have it on my phone.  this is a great resource to give to all of your parents so they can carry the honeyword devotionals with them everywhere they go. here are the links to download the app:
                    itunes app
                    android app

honeyword also sends out a weekly devotional. you can encourage your families to subscribe to that here.

okay, here’s how you can win a copy of either the Bible or the devotional book.  comment below with the first scripture you memorized and how you memorized it. (was it by song? in vbs? at home?) on march 11th i will randomly draw a name for the Bible and another for the devotional and will ship them to you.

thanks honeywod for asking me to share and giving me free resources to give away.

congrats to our winners:
Bible – becky
devotional – kate

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    • danielle Reply

      you won the devotional book. email me the address to send it to and i will get it on its way. congrats!

  1. John 3:16 – verse memory books that my church used many years ago when I was a kid.

    • danielle Reply

      you won the Bible. email me your full address where to send the Bible. congrats!

  2. Scarlyte Collette Reply

    John 3:16 – Mrs. Pitts 1st grade Sunday School class. She gave us a dime when we could recite our verse. Yes, 10 cents and the smile on her face was enough motivation for me to learn a scripture that forever changed my life.

  3. Janet Wismer Reply

    Child Evangelism Good News Club: Thanks be unto God for His unspeakable gift. II Corinthians 9:15

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