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Each year I struggle with how to show my Sunday and Wednesday investors (volunteers) how much they are appreciated by the kids, the parents, and me. So for the past two years, I have started having a “thank you” wall. Here is how it works:

  • In a very visible hallway/lobby, I place envelopes on the wall with every investor, greeter, intern, name and class, etc.
  • On a table nearby, I place out cards and pens. For the whole month of November, I encourage children and parents to write a note of thanks. 
  • Some children draw a picture or write notes at home and bring them to church and place them in the envelopes on Wednesday or Sunday. 
  • I also include a thank you poem and a handwritten thank-you card from me in each envelope. 
  • The teachers are asked not to look in their envelopes while they are hanging on the wall. 🙂
  • We take them down the Sunday before thanksgiving and mail the envelopes to the teachers. Our goal is, while they are relaxing and being thankful, they will be blessed to read notes from the many who are grateful for the ways they share Jesus with the children.
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This is an example of the note card we provide for families. 
This is the poster/letter we use to get parents and children involved. This is an example of the thank you note cards we provide.

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    • danielle Reply

      thanks michael. nothing fancy, but i have to be intentional about it because they are rock stars and deserve to be thanked! 🙂

  1. Janet Landwehr Reply

    You are always so clever. Thank you for being so generous to share with others! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!

  2. Aanna Smalley Reply

    I love this! LOVE this! Definitely saving this idea for next year.

    • danielle Reply

      would have been nice if i had thought to put it up earlier! would love to hear how you improve upon it next year! 🙂

  3. Wow Danielle! You constantly amaze and inspire me with your great ideas. Thanks for sharing!

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