Screen Shot 2012-07-07 at 1.07.17 PMin less than a month, thousands of those serving in children’s ministry (and many of my favorite people on earth) will descend on chicago for group’s KidMin conference.  i couldn’t be more excited.  these four short days pack in so much encouragement, inspiration, challenges, laughs and connections for me with my children’s ministry colleges.

this year, i also have the privilege in leading a pre-con and two workshops.  (see below)  as i have prayed and prepared, i have been so humbled to dive into these topics with those whose hearts beat wildly for kids to know Jesus.  i am certain that i will be the one to leave richer for having the opportunity to share and learn from others in the trenches in KidMin.

Branding A Christ-centered KidMin – Pre-Con
Why does your children’s ministry exist? If everyone on your team isn’t sure, it’s time for a new direction.  In this session, discover your ministry’s unique strengths, weaknesses—and opportunities. Dream, plan,and develop your master blueprint for ministry. We’ll help you strategically brand and cast vision for your ministry so you can inspire, recruit, and retain passionate volunteers and parents. Great for your entire team!

Broken, Burned Out, or Bored in Kidmin – Workshop
This is time specifically carved out for you to bring your burdens to Jesus. Together we’ll reflect, release, receive, and rejoice in the midst of our personal/ministry struggles. Through interactive experiences, encouragement from others, and time with our Savior, you’ll leave recharged.

Helping Kids Build a Friendship With Jesus – Workshop
We’ll explore ways to be intentional in facilitating a child’s spiritual formation. Experience and explore REAL (Relational, Experiential, Applicable, and Learner-Based) ways to take kids beyond learning to genuine relationship with Jesus.

if you are coming to KidMIn, i would love to connect and chat with you.  i also encourage you to plug into a connect group.  these meet daily (friday, saturday, and sunday) from 4:45-5:45p.m.  information will be posted on the connect group board.  we have great groups with some amazing leaders.  here are the groups you have to choose from:  large church, first two years in ministry, men in CM, bivocational ministry, student of CM, special needs, small church, urban ministry, women in CM, married to a CM, early childhood, family ministry, burned out in children’s ministry, multi-site ministry, volunteers in children’s ministry, canadian children’s ministers, senior pastors, preteen ministry, rural children’s ministry, children’s ministry veteran, and thriving in transition.

september 28th can’t get here soon enough.  are we there yet?

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