it is not everyday that you get asked to write a chapter in a training resource for kids ministry. then, when you hear you get to be a part of a ministry resource with some of your favorite #kidmin friends, well you are just humbled, challenged, and full of smiles. here are some people, way smarter than me, that contribute to this resource:

recently, church leaders asked me to write a chapter about ministry to younger children for their children’s ministry volunteer handbook. not only was i challenged, i learned so much as i researched, wrote, and evaluated my own ministry.

Here is a description of this new resource:

Practical Guidance for Children’s Ministry Volunteers

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these” (Matthew 19:14).

This resource also come sin a 5-pack for your team.

One way to impact the next generation of Christ-followers is to serve in the children’s ministry at your church! Whether you teach or assist in a children’s class, provide administrative help, or volunteer in the nursery, this handy little book is for you. Inside this volunteer handbook you will find helpful information and insights, such as…

  • Teaching tips for kids at various ages — from nursery to pre-teen
  • Age-level insights and characteristics
  • Children’s ministry team roles and functions
  • Classroom management ideas and techniques
  • Including children with special needs
  • Playing with kids and partnering with parents

Also included in this book are supply lists, safety information, ministry team discussion questions, and more!

here is the fun news! i get to give a copy away! please comment on this post about how this resource would be helpful to you. i will pick a winner and one copy of this book will be mailed to you for FREE!

you can also learn more about this resource here.

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1 Comment

  1. Danielle, I enjoy your posts so much. I just completed my first year as Director of Children’s Ministry in July. I have learned so much this year, but one area I need to grow in is equipping volunteers. I know this book would be so helpful to me. Thank you for all of your insight and ideas. May God continue to bless you and your ministry.

    Ann Cox

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