there are just four more days to register for Group’s KidMin conference!  i can’t believe it is almost here.  as i look forward to what all God will do at and through the conference, here are my high five reasons for being excited.

1.  Jesus will be the star.  i heard this from the very beginning from the top leaders of the KidMin conference, and i am pleased to say i have seen it woven into each step of our planning.   i love the fact that the One we serve has remained the goal in conference calls, brainstorming sessions, and prayers.  we long to make much of HIM!  i am blown away that christine yount jones has prayed for each person/group attending and is writing them each an encouraging, handwritten note! read her latest blog here.

2.  No show – instead of general sessions where i  play the part of recipient instead of participant,  KidMin will get you involved in what is going on in each general session.  these sessions will definitely be unique!

3.  Connect Groups – the greatest gift i leave any conference with is new friends that understand ministry and assure me i haven’t lost my mind.  (ok, there has possibly been a time or two when i did lose my mind, but i needed them to give me unbiased perspective.)  i am praying expectantly and asking God to do big things in our connect groups and make this time one of encouragement, support, prayer, information, and understanding.  i love the way children’s ministry folks share so transparently and i have seen this happening already here at the discussion page of  Group’s  KidMin Conference facebook page.  check out the connect group options here.

4.  IT Team (Inside Track Team) – i have had the privilege of working with 80+ in-the-trenches KidMin leaders that have helped speak ideas into this conference.  i so look forward to meeting many for the first time (face-to-face) and experiencing this first ever KidMin conference with them.

5.  Ministry Conversations – so i like to talk, i believe that’s obvious through my top five reasons. 🙂   i look forward to these hour long, specific topics that will be moderated by a seasoned expert, but will also have many in-the-trenches KidMin folks in the room to aid in the conversation.  as with so many aspects of the conference, it will be a two way conversation.  click here to see the topics that will be discussed.

have you registered for the KidMin conference yet?  i would love to have a cup of coffee with you and hear your story!

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