my life-long sport was soccer and my position was goalie.  i love the unique role of the keeper of the goal.  wearing a different color shirt, i was set apart.  my mission was simple really – protect the goal.

many see this position as easy.  (yes, i was thankful i didn’t have to do all that running.)  the fact is, i was always working.  no matter where the action was on the field i was constantly repositioning myself to be in the best spot to protect the goal.  then, when a shot was taken, i would literally throw my body in any direction or height to stop the opponent from scoring.  the goal was always my focus and it was when my attention was divided that the shots started to pass by me.

i have been pondering my goalie position quite a bit today, as i also think through my role as a believer and a minister to children.  my goal in life and ministry is really quite simple, too.  i have been set-apart, crucified with Christ, and my goal is Jesus.  He, alone, should have my focus and attention.  i wish i could say i was a great keeper of this goal.  i am afraid my focus has been blurred by programs, the praise of men, numbers, problems, serving half-halfheartedly, and more.    it is time to realign myself with the One and Only goal – Jesus.

the kids deserve my best goal keeping.  more importantly, my Savior deserves an undivided mind seeking Him with all my strength.

help me Lord, for i am prone to be distracted.   realign my focus on You!

“Not that I have already obtained this or am already perfect, but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me his own. Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead, I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus.”

Philippians 3:12-14



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  1. Nancy Duggin Reply

    Your words are always powerful, however, this time you created a great visual with excellent application. Thanks for the challenge and the reminded that in all things as a Christ follower, my goal is Jesus–living for Him, serving Him, growing more and more like Him.

  2. love it dandi! what a great thought and concept! thanks for sharing!

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