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Here is the link to my latest article in Children’s Ministry Magazine.  If you have time, take a look.  Honored to be included in the article with Melissa and my good friend Kathie.

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  1. FYI … Andrea and I touted this in our Connect Group … so glad to be able to use 3 different references since our group was varied in their Transitions … awesome time! Janet

  2. danielle, i am thankful for your perspective. i can totally relate in some ways as i transition here…realizing every day that it isn’t about me or my idea of how it all should be. thank you for your honesty and for being real. you are a blessing. may God continue to grow you up in Him, for His glory, no matter where you are.

  3. Pingback: Children’s Ministry Magazine Article: “Transitions in Ministry” | KidMinspiration

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