let’s face it, if we are honest we would admit that ministries can create the biggest of silos. if there is ever an event we need to work to get the whole church staff on board with, it is vbs. i have always been so blessed to work with staffs that go all in for vbs. at dawson we call vbs kidlife, and we have had so much fun promoting #kidlife16 as a staff.

in this post i will share some of the media images we are using to promote kidlife. the second blog post will share some of the videos our ministry staff participated in so bravely.

what makes our kidlife promotion campaign so great is there is a team of amazing people behind each step of it. because we all put our heads together and brainstormed, we are all in for this year’s kidlife. our communications team has been working non-stop and i must say i believe they have hit it out of the park.

our kidlife 2016 theme is God’s game plan – believe • obey • follow. we are excited to teach these truths with the backdrop of the summer olympics. so what better way to promote the summer games than to assign staff members olympic sports and get them to pose for pictures. they were such great sports. we have used these pictures in social media, bulletin inserts, posters around the church, displayed them on tv screens, and more. honestly i just can’t get enough of them. our hope is that the message of kidlife would be more far-reaching using all the different amazing people that serve on staff. it was a simple addition we made this year and the hype for kidlife had greatly increased.

below are some the pictures we used. they make me smile everytime. comment and let me know which one is your favorite and feel free to share how you creatively promote your vbs. summer is right around the corner.

KidLife_Poster1 KidLifePoster2


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