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last week i taught a kmc breakout session on being broken, bored, or burned-out in ministry. before we spent some intentional time in scripture, prayer, and encouragement, i shared my four tips to avoid or dig out of brokenness, burn-out or boredom in ministry. here they are:

get fed – where are you being filled up?
– you are pouring out and pointing people to Jesus, but are you spending time with Him yourself?
you may be fooling yourself, but you won’t fool your volunteers and the children you serve. if you are not taking time to sit at the well and receive living water, how will you have anything to pour out on those you lead?

– make it a point to be involved in Bible study and protect that time.
you may get to slip into worship, but where are you plugged in to simply sit and receive what God has to say to you? when you find that time, protect it. don’t schedule meetings and events during this time. you provide meaningful Bible study for others, make sure you receive that time for yourself.

get away – sabbath
– you work on the sabbath, so when are you taking your’s?
 we all need time to stop and sit at our Savior’s feet. Jesus made it a priority to get away and spend time with His Father, so how much more do we need this time?

– best gift i have been given in ministry – monthly sabbath
i am so grateful for the gift of sabbath, given to me by my former boss, that i blog about it here.  this is a discipline i plan to make a priority in my ministry life from here forward.

– schedule it and have someone hold you accountable to it.
believing in and scheduling a sabbath are simply not enough; you have to actually take the day and get away. i find this difficult in the busy summer months when my schedule is packed with events. that is when i need sabbath most. i am reminded of the martin luther quote that says, “I have so much to do that I shall spend the first three hours in prayer.”

get your armor on
– we are in a battle – He didn’t give you armor to never wear it.
ministry is hard. so why would we go into the daily battle without putting on the armor God outlines in ephesians six?

– some of the sharpest arrows come from within the church. protect yourself.
as believers, we are far from perfect. we all know that sometimes the most discouraging words come from within our own Christian camp. we need to make it a priority to protect and guard our heart, mind, and strength with the armor of God.

get a safe friend
– you have to have a safe place to vent.
find someone (preferably that knows ministry) to vent to and with whom you can share your struggles. finding one person to be open and honest with about your ministry journey is a blessing indeed.

– a safe friend can hold you accountable.
this person can’t just be a “yes man.” they have to be able to speak truth to you in love and hold you accountable. their words may sting at first but when based in truth will be a great source of great encouragement.

– you need someone praying for and encouraging you.
a text sent in the middle of a huge event, a scripture shared and prayed over you, and a listening ear are all ways a safe friend is a gift to your ministry.

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