fixeyesthis will come as no surprise to those that know me well, but not only am i a “fixer”, i also tend to fixate on issues much longer than is necessary. i stare down overwhelming circumstances trying to come up with the perfect solution. i also hold broken pieces of life together in my own strength willing them to stay together so they are mended. somehow over time, i bought into the lie that if i focus hard enough i can make it all better.

when i choose to stare at the circumstances, whether positive or negative, the circumstances become my focus! how grateful i am for the reminder God keeps sweetly whispering to be from hebrews 12:2, “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. for the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.” what a relief to know that i don’t have to spend hours fixating on issues desperate to see them solved or restored. i must simply fix my eyes on Jesus.

it is when i look intently at Him i experience:
strength from the strongest
peace from the One who is in control
love perfectly unconditional
direction from the all-knowing Guide
joy undeserved
comfort from my Creator
a hope that doesn’t disappoint

quick fixes can’t deliver; it is where my eyes are fixed that matters most. i know this all in my head. my prayer is with each intentional glance at our Mighty God, it will begin to consume my heart.


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  1. Denise Chitwood Reply

    awesome…thank you mary d for your reminder. needed this today. that’s your eye, right?

    • danielle Reply

      yes, it is my eye! you are so smart bev. counting down the minutes until next weekend!

    • danielle Reply

      apparently i need to hear it often!! still trying to learn this one. 🙂

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