[box type=”bio”] for a chance to win a free copy of this book, comment below and share why you would like to read this book during this season of your ministry. all names of those that comment will be entered into a random name picker for a chance to win this book free. winner will be announced on my blog on friday, january 12.[/box]

i don’t read nearly as much as i should. i know, i know a real leader is always a leaner. i want to learn, i just find it difficult to sit still for long periods of time. 🙂 so let me just say when i come into a dawson kids staff meeting with a book that we are all going to read (in addition to the book the ministerial staff is already reading), they know it must be important. that is how i feel about “sustainable children’s ministry”. i was so glad to get an advance copy of this amazing resource (it releases at the end of the month) and here is my endorsement found in the book.

[box] “in a ministry culture where gimmicks and entertainment can overshadow the reason we serve, it is refreshing to read a book that keeps the essentials and the eternal front and center. whether you are new to ministry or a seasoned pro, “sustainable children’s ministry” is for you. proven, practical steps mixed with just enough real-life ministry examples provide the reader with a resource to build a ministry from scratch, evaluate an existing ministry, or tweak a program to make it strong until the end.” danielle bell, minister to children, dawson family of faith, birmingham,[/box]

so for a chance to win a copy of this book, i am asking you to comment and share how this book would help you in your season of ministry. for me, after 20 years in kidmin, i need help seeing things i can no longer see – things too familiar to be recognized. as our team reads this book i will challenge us to look closely at our policies, systems, lack of systems, etc. to see where we fall short. in areas where we are a last minute team, i want us to find ways to build structure to be ahead of the game instead of arriving right on time. i am a visionary and details don’t come naturally to me, so as i read i want to leave with two solid changes i can make in my planning. that’s just the beginning, i am hoping this book delivers even more of a push to more quality backbones that support our Gospel-centered ministry. what about you?

[box type=”bio”] for a chance to win a free copy of this book, comment below and share why you would like to read this book during this season of your ministry. all names of those that comment will be entered into a random name picker for a chance to win this book free. winner will be announced on my blog on friday, january 12.[/box]

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  1. I believe that God only brings to you in ministry what you are able to handle well – as in new people, new opportunities, etc. Sometimes I feel like we are ready to tackle anything sent our way and then I look up from what I see and view things through the eyes of other leaders and realize we aren’t looking at the same thing in the same way. Excited for a read that can give help get us to the place where the Lord will open the doors wide in every area – new people, discipleship, salvations, etc.

  2. Janet Eikenberry Reply

    Looking foward to reading your book and seeing youat the conference

  3. After 12 years in ministry at the same church, I’m always looking for insight to strengthen and encourage those who lead alongside of me as well as the best way to serve the children. The rut is easy to fall in to, hard to get out of, and not the place to be.

  4. Joyce Alexander Reply

    Looking forward to reading a book that meets the minister where we are.Needing the encouragement and challenge of this book when I get frustrated with those around me who don’t see the vision or my passion.

  5. Jodi Quinn Reply

    After 10 years in ministry, I find myself in a new season of opening up a new campus as well as leading a team with new people. I’m hoping this book would help me with taking a deeper and different look into ministry and what we can do to improve and reach children and families in the best way. Thanks Danielle!

  6. I read Sustainable Youth Ministry and was so hoping they would write one geared specifically for Children’s Ministry. I am pumped beyond words at the opportunity to get a copy of this text, which I will make sure happens no matter what! Thanks for sharing this with us as we all seek to further the kingdom of God through kids min!

  7. ohh how I need this encouragement, after 14 years in this ministry here at the US, I need to know that what we did wasn’t in vain and also that we can still accomplish a lot in Him!

  8. After working in Children’s Ministry over 40+years looking for new inspiration to keep up with the times for our children . It’s a fast past world out there and we need improvement to reach out to our families that God is our main focus in life. Thank you Danielle for all your support!

  9. As a volunteer children’s minister in a new church I’ve learned a lot the hard way–through good old trial and error! The vision I’ve been given for this ministry is both exciting and overwhelming–it keeps me constantly searching for information that will open my eyes to see better ways to organize, implement and lead so that our children’s ministry is closer to the one our children need–and deserve!

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