i am blown away week after week as i walk the halls and peek in classrooms to see kidmin teachers passionately and selflessly sharing the love and truth of Jesus. these leaders don’t do it for recognition or praise. they certainly don’t do it because their schedules are empty and they need something to fill their time. they do it because deep down their love and commitment to Jesus initiates an act of gratitude that is displayed through service. their service is an eternal investment that matters because God is using them to transform lives for His glory.
i don’t have the power to make their service void of discouragement or frustration. i also can’t make each lesson go just how they planned and each child behave perfectly. i wish i could move mountains for them, but then we wouldn’t need to rely on the One we serve, would we?
two things i can most certainly do for my investors (that’s what i call my volunteers) is pray for them and remind them that what they do matters. that is why i am so excited about this new gift book released by group publishing. if you have an amazing teaching team like i do, i know you often look for ways to remind them that they are helping children know and experience the love of Jesus.
“what you do matters” is a great gift book to share with volunteers, teachers, and leaders to encourage and remind them how God uses them in the lives of the children. it features short inspiring stories from people that have served in kidmin classes and have seen God at work. it also includes scripture and great quotes from people like: beth moore, jon acuff, joni eareckson tada, and more. “what you do matters” is an easy read and a great source of encouragement when volunteers are weary.
these books would be great to give as Christmas gifts or a surprise for a volunteer you would like to bless with further encouragement. (i plan to buy enough to surprise one of my investors with a copy each month next year.)
i am so exited about this resource that i am going to give two of these books away on my blog. (one for you to keep and one for you to give away to encourage someone else.) to win two copies of “what you do matters”, comment on this post and share why you think kidmin volunteers are special. saturday i will choose one winner from the comments and send two books your way. i will also get the comments started by sharing why i think kidmin volunteers are one-of-a-kind. i look forward to reading your comments and sharing two copies of this great resource with the winner.
i think kidmin volunteers are simply the most flexible, selfless, exciting, dedicated, and creative leaders. they can take the ordinary supplies and transform them to fit extraordinary stories. through God’s help they simply leave imprints on lives during the most spiritually significant years. the ones i have be blessed to serve alongside ask for little and consistently give all they have to share Jesus with children.
I think kidmin volunteers are the honest, trust worthy, caring, king, selfless, God centered creatures placed in our paths to aide, encourage, assist, and enrich the ministries entrusted to us. They surprise us weekly with thoughtfulness, encourage us with their smiles and validate our goofy sides with puppet shows and glitter balls! Jesus shines through them!
KidMin team members will never know the impact that they may have on a young life until they reach heaven! I think that is part of what makes them so special. Getting back to the basics of why we were created! Bring God glory! Team members take themselves out of the equation and focus on an eternal result! KidMin teams are truly awesome!
Kidmin volunteers understand the value of their service and see the big picture of their ministry — showing our kids the love of Jesus! They don’t consider their time in Kidmin as “missing the worship service” — instead, they celebrate the fact that they get to worship God by teaching our kids about Him! They leave the stresses and craziness of their weekday lives behind and focus on loving and leading our kids! They show up to prep on Saturdays and evenings, plan extracurricular parties and events, work together as a team, pray for our kids, and genuinely love each child they teach. They use the talents and passion that God has given them, for His glory! Kidmin volunteers are AMAZING!
Danielle, it’s good to hear about you and the Ministry with young people. I have had volunteers and been a volunteer and watched young life’s changed because someone cared enough to invest their time in to these young people’s lifes. Had it not been for godly people in my past caring for me and taking the time to make a difference in my life, I don’t know where I might have ended up today. And “To God be the Glory”. Great things he has done through the lifes of volunteers.
Have a blessed day.
Kid’s Ministry volunteers are special because… 1) Jesus made them! 2) They are making an ETERNAL impact on the kids that they serve each week! 3) They know that PARENTS are the primary faith trainers and come alongside them, join their team, and encourage, equip and empower them to lead their kids to the Lover of their souls!
I think the Volunteers are the best.
We have some awesome team members. They are selfless with their time, talent, ideas, and also dedication and commitment to the kids.
My KidMin Volunteers are special because there are no other leaders in our church like them! They have just as much passion about the Children’s Ministry growing & our kids growing in Christ as my husband & I do! They are selfless & SO helpful! I love each & every one of them!
KidMin volunteers get what Jesus meant when He said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” – Matthew 19:14 AND they follow His example by serving kids & families without complaint week in & week out.
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