bend in roadit has taken three months, but in the last week i could almost literally feel myself turning the corner in my transition to alabama. there have been many sweet ah-ha moments sprinkled in between what i felt was my constant state of cluelessness, but when i walked home from church last wednesday, i experienced a bend in my journey that plastered a smile across my face. i believe i would have sat right there and celebrated had it not happened right in the middle of the road. 🙂

i would have considered myself someone that “loves change”, but when the rubber met the road this summer i saw things in me that were surprising, disappointing, and in need of being challenged. i have failed miserably at some and faced others head on, all while growing stronger and more dependent on God as my guide.

now let’s don’t get all crazy. i still use my gps to get most places and have almost caused quite a few wrecks because i am gawking at the beautiful birmingham scenery or nearly missing a turn. i still have many places, names, and sweet faces to learn. there are also many stories to hear and history in relationships to be developed. i am learning the key to transition is time and i realized i was beginning to embrace this truth when without thinking last week i referenced my little yellow house in homewood as “home.”

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  1. Alta Faye Fenton Reply

    Please hand me a tissue, someone! Makes my heart happy though.

  2. Andrea Kier Reply

    Yes! I too feel I have started to reach the bend in my journey too. It’s great to feel at home in a new home!! Love it! 🙂

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